Τρίτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Ham Radio Deluxe ver.5.1 (new)

Ham Radio Deluxe 5.1 Release Notes 

    •    Performance tuning 
    Change the Verified (Accepted) to Verified (Match) 
    QSL sent/received Date not honoring UTC setting 
         •   Confirm Delete QSOs should display number of QSOs to be deleted 
    DX Cluster 
         sh/mydx – Added feature for DX Spider connections that makes use of server-side filters.  This 
         enables the user to eliminate spots from the initial cluster connection.  This is user selectable 
         between sh/mydx or sh/dx, however there is no difference in the behavior of sh/mydx if there 
         are no server-side filters.  This enhancement is found under DX cluster options. 
         Changed the toolbar Logbook dropdown ‘selections’ title to ‘Edit selections’. 
         Set mode (in addition to frequency) when selecting a spot. This feature will be improved in 
         future versions to include user-defined band plans.  In this release, RTTY changes mode to USB 
         (because DM780 doesn’t currently su        ort FSK). 
         Fixed a bug where the CQ zone was taken from the countries file and not from QRZ. 
         Added vertical scrollbars to My Station and other tabs; when the size of the ALE window is 
         smaller than that capable of displaying the entire array of fields comprising the My Station Tab, 
         a vertical scroll bar is available at the right vertical edge of the tabbed portion of the dialog. 
         QRZ subscribe button added 
         All date/time controls now su     ort UTC 
         Short path and long path headings and distances shown in ALE 
     HRD Radio Su     ort 
         Su   ort for Icom IC-7600 Enhancement Completed 5.1

   Download here:  http://www.hrdsoftwarellc.com/

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