Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

WiFi Wireless Ham Radio Coax Antenna Switch

WiFi Wireless Ham Radio Antenna Switch allows a single transceiver to switch 4 antennas. Free iPhone app on Apple Store. TCP control.

FREE CONTROL iPHONE APP ON APP STORE: ANTENNA SWITCH The WiFi Wireless Ham Radio Coax Antenna Switch 82664XAS01 allows a single transceiver to switch between 4 antennas or 4 transceivers to switch to a single antenna. Full configurable via a web browser. The switch responds to TCP commands. It can handle up to approximately 250 Watts and covers frequencies from 0 to 150 MHz. Control the switch with a free iPhone app AntennaSwitch switch available now on the apple store The switch comes with 2 separate boards: the control board and the connector board. Both boards are connected together with wires. Screw connectors are provided. The WiFi wireless antenna switch allows switching from 4 different antennas into one output to the transceiver. I can also be reverted so 1 antenna can be switched to 4 different transceivers. The switch module can be mounted on a box for convenience and safety. The module is controlled via the simple TCP commands 1, 2, 3 and 4 to switch between the 4 different inputs. Once the module is configured and acquires an IP address, commands can be sent to its IP address and port 9999 to switch between the inputs.

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Yaesu Rotor Controller Az. Insert

CQmaps - Professional Maps for Amateur Radio, is extremely happy to offer the Amateur Radio community a truly helpful station aid for your Yaesu line of Rotor Controllers. Many of CQmaps' customers had been asking for an Azimuthal Projection Insert Map for their controllers and we answered! Your Great Circle map will feature the same 4 inch diameter world view as the dial of the controller. Since the map is centered on your qth, dialing in your DX just became much easier.

More:  http://cqmaps.myshopify.com/pages/yaesu-rotor-controller-az-insert

Σάββατο 14 Νοεμβρίου 2015

The Morse Mouse – Educational Fun with Amateur Radio

Learning Morse? This is NOT a code learning application and doesn’t claim to be – it is designed for events/demos (and youngsters) so if you want to learn CW “properly”, there are much better applications out there for that purpose.

The Idea
To demonstrate Morse Code to youngsters (and the young-at-heart) at local club events.  By sending a series of letters in Morse Code, the program aims to encourage an interest in the mode through skill as well as memory. The idea came about as our local club, the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society wanted to do more than just “shout into a microphone” during special events.The coding (excuse the pun) is rather crude, simply picking any random letter and recording the key-stroke (or button press) to determine what letter is being entered.  There are additional intro, winner and loser sound-effects, too.  A laminated A4 crib-sheet is provided to assist with the decoding of each letter but that’s not to say that those comfortable with 15-20wpm QSO speeds won’t get some fun out of this.  In tests here, the game is rather addictive when used with a touchscreen display.  There is now an Easy and Hard mode – this gives you more/less time to guess the character!

Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015


του  νομικού Κωστ/νου Τρανσβαλίδη (SV2HPH)

    Είναι πιθανόν γνωστό σε αρκετούς συναδέλφους η πρόσφατη περιπέτεια της Ραδιολέσχης Καρδίτσας, εις βάρος της οποίας επιβλήθηκε τέλος («χαράτσι») από την «Ελληνική Επιτροπή Ατομικής Ενέργειας» (εφεξής Ε.Ε.Α.Ε.), ύψους 400,00 Ευρώ, το οποίο αφορούσε το ετήσιο τέλος μετρήσεων κεραιών, για το έτος 2014.
    Όπως προκύπτει από το σχετικό παραστατικό που εξέδωσε η Ε.Ε.Α.Ε. στις 23/3/2015 και επ’ονόματι της Ραδιολέσχης Καρδίτσας (στην οποία έχει αποδώσει τον Κωδικό Πελάτη 20154300),πρόκειται για το υπ’αριθμόν 83144 τιμολόγιο παροχής υπηρεσιών και διάθεσης υλικών, ως προσφερθείσα δε υπηρεσία αναγράφεται το «ετήσιο τέλος μετρήσεων κεραιών – ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός #έτος 2014». Τέλος από το ίδιο παραστατικό, προκύπτει ότι η τιμολογηθείσα συνολικά αξία ανέρχεται σε 400,00 Ευρώ και αφορά 2 κεραιοσυστήματα, με τιμή μονάδας 200,00 Ευρώ.
    Στο καταβλητέο ποσό δεν συμπεριλαμβάνεται ΦΠΑ, ούτε οιαδήποτε άλλη εισφορά, κράτηση ή εν γένει επιβάρυνση.

Σάββατο 17 Οκτωβρίου 2015


TRX-Manager an original and innovative CAT control/Remote control, DXing and Logging program for Radioamateurs. More than 100 transceivers are supported! Here you can read about the features, download an evaluation version, a full PDF Manual (400 pages), get the latest information about the software, and much more...

More: http://www.trx-manager.com/index.html

Παρασκευή 14 Αυγούστου 2015



How much bandwidth does the mobile ham really need?

Like most questions, there are several answers to this. The best one probably being “it depends on your lifestyle”. If you are used to broadband internet access and don’t want to give that up when you are en route, you are a potential candidate for internet access via satellite, and you will have to bear the cost of that luxury. If on the other hand you are en route to relax, and you don’t need instant information, you could try PSKmail for bare bones information delivery. Pskmail gives you a 500 Hz wide channel to the internet. This is enough to get the most important email, the weather forecast and the daily update on the sunspots. Being nomadic, we live on a boat during summer and in a camper during winter, I get by with 200 Hz and a half hour session with the server most of the time. How much email do you really need daily to keep up to date?
Of course we combine daily PSKmail with a webmail session once a week, to get the ‘picture ‘ if you know what I mean. And to get the non-ham stuff.
But I can upload software patches to the internet on a daily basis while living on a Mediterranean beach which does not have a ADSL socket.

MORE INFO:  http://pskmail.org/

Τρίτη 7 Ιουλίου 2015

Big Wheel Antenna for 2m, 70cm and 6m

The “Big Wheel” is a horizontal polarized omni directional antenna. Usually highly directional antennas are used on VHF and UHF, which have the capability to bundle the radiated energy in one direction and eliminate interferences from unwanted directions. But these effects are not always welcome. With directional antennas it is nearly impossible to monitor a frequency for signals from any direction. Usually the directional antenna stays in the direction where the most signals are expected from and some rare contact in an other direction is lost. In such cases the Big Wheel is an ideal antenna which should be used together with a directional antenna.
Big Wheel antennas by WiMo are made of stainless aluminum, all other hardware is made of stainless steel. The antenna gain is approx. 3dBD, each Big Wheel has a N-jack (female). By vertical stacking of two Big Wheels you get a gain of approx. 5dBD. To connect two antennas to one coax feed a usual phasing harness can be used.

More Info: http://www.wimo.de/big-wheel-antennas_e.html

Τρίτη 26 Μαΐου 2015

HamQTH Callbook Service

Welcome to the free hamradio callbook. This callbook provides all data for free and you will not have to log in to see any detail unlike other sites. It includes also XML access for logging programs. You can use everything from HamQTH as often as you want without limits. The server has lots of power available and the Internet connection is unlimited.

Τρίτη 19 Μαΐου 2015

Πέμπτη 30 Απριλίου 2015

Silent English

      In 1968 an American linguist, answering the question "How do you pronounce TESOL?" (the acronym of the Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) answered: "T as in castle, E as in give, S as in island, O as in people, and L as in calm."
      In fact you can, with some use of proper names and loan words, create a complete silent alphabet for English, as follows:

Σάββατο 25 Απριλίου 2015

Squalo antenna for 6m

The “Squalo” antenna, or square halo. In fact, it’s just a square folded dipole. It radiates in all directions, with -4dB gain on the sides (compared to the front and back side).

More info: http://www.pa3hcm.nl/?p=312